Summit Programme: Financial Centres Conference3rd October 2018 |
Financial Centres Conference | The Aviation Finance Conference | Master Class Workshop 1 |
Time Slot | Event | |
09:00 |
THE FINANCIAL CENTRES CONFERENCE 2018Plenary Session: Finance and Financial Centres, the outlook to 2025 and beyondKeynote Address: - Brexit and the Financial Services Industry William Slattery, Chief Executive Officer - International, DST Financial Services at DST International Holdings Ltd; and Chairman of International Financial Data Services. Keynote Address: - USA and its Capital Markets Dan Gallagher, Former Commissioner, Securities & Exchange Commission, USA Keynote Address: - Aircraft Leasing and Aviation Financing in the context of the development of China's capital markets and financial centres Peter Chang, President and CEO of CDB Aviation, the aviation leasing arm of China Development Bank, one of the three 'policy banks' of the Peoples' Republic of China, and the pioneer of aircraft leasing in China. Session Topics: The Keynote addresses will provide US, UK, EU and Chinese perspectives, and an industry perspective on aircraft financing, an industry with an embedded medium to long term mindset and which accounts for 3 p.c. of global GDP.
William Slattery
DST International Holdings Ltd
Peter Chang
CDB Aviation
Dan Gallagher
Patrick L Young
Derivatives Vision |
09:45 |
Coffee in Concourse/Exhibition area of The Hibernia Conference Centre, Dublin Castle |
10:00 |
The force of Fintech, 2018 to 2025The risks and opportunities as new applications transform financial services. AI, DLT, Roboadvisory, and Cyber Security: convergence of business models and the imperatives for successful adaptation and new product delivery.Keynote address: "The need for resilience in the face of disruption: Regulatory expectations in a digital world." Ed Sibley, Deputy Governor of the Central Bank of Ireland, a constituent part of the Eurosystem, the eurozone framework of ECB central banks. Case Study: - The establishment of KBC Bank's digital first challenger bank in Ireland, and future plans: Darragh Lennon, Head of Distribution, KBC Bank. Presentation: 'Digital Advisory: Digital meets and needs human' Wealth management and Asset Management - points of convergence through technology David Wilson, Business Development Director, Objectway Group. Topics on the session agenda:
Panel Discussion: Panel Members: Adrian Whelan, Senior Vice President of Regulatory Intelligence, Brown Brothers Harriman. Jamie Khurshid, former CEO, Simplitium. Moderator: Patrick L Young, Publisher, Exchange Invest and Chairman, Derivatives Vision.
Ed Sibley
Central Bank of Ireland
Darragh Lennon
KBC Bank Ireland plc
David Wilson
Objectway Group
Adrian Whelan
Brown Brothers Harriman
Jamie Khurshid
Patrick L Young
Derivatives Vision |
11:00 |
Regulatory Frameworks in Asset Management & Funds; Distribution and Marketing Challenges in a post Brexit WorldPanels 1. Fund Management Delegation arrangements in a post Brexit World - a key issue for the UK's asset management industry 2. Regulation and marketing interfaces, referencing Exchange Traded Funds and Money Market Funds Session Topics will cover :
Participants Dan Gallagher, Former SEC Commissioner, USA; Chief Legal Officer, Mylan Inc, Former CEO of Patomak Partners LLC Washington DC. Gareth Murphy, Chief Risk Officer, Standard Life Aberdeen. Ian Headon, Senior Vice President, Product Development Alternatives, Northern Trust. Tara Doyle, Partner, Financial Services Group, Matheson. Fergus McNally, Partner, EY. Panel Discussion: Moderator: William Slattery, Chief Executive Officer - International DST Financial Services.
Dan Gallagher
Gareth Murphy
Standard Life Aberdeen
Ian Headon
Northern Trust Ireland
Tara Doyle
Fergus McNally
William Slattery
DST International Holdings Ltd |
12:00 |
Professional Services Opportunities in Capital Markets & IFS in Europe
12:45 |
Luncheon: Sitdown luncheon served in Castle Hall at The Hibernia Conference Centre |
14:00 |
Product Design & Distribution - to 2025 and beyondTopics:
Anthony Stevens, Head of Asset Servicing Product Innovation, EMEA Northern Trust Nicholas-Blake-Knox, Partner, Walkers Mike Byrne, Chairman, the Jersey Funds Association Lisa Kealy, Partner, EY
Anthony Stevens
Northern Trust
Mike Byrne
Jersey Funds Association
Nicholas Blake-Knox
Lisa Kealy
EY |
14:45 |
Ensuring Efficient Capital Markets in Europe & North America: Clearing, Exchanges, Derivatives and Regulatory DevelopmentsTopics:
Participants: Arnaud de Bresson, chair, WAIFC and CEO, Paris EUROPLACE Jennifer Reynolds, CEO, Toronto Financial Services Alliance Hubertus Väth, CEO, Managing Director, Frankfurt Main Finance Brian Healy, Managing Director, Atlantic Vantage Matt Hedigan, Partner, Walkers Moderator: Patrick L Young, Publisher, Exchange Invest and Chairman, Derivatives Vision.
Arnaud de Bresson
Jennifer Reynolds
Toronto Finance International (TFI)
Brian Healy
Atlantic Vantage
Matt Hedigan
Jake Pugh
The Pugh View
Patrick L Young
Derivatives Vision |
15:45 |
Coffee & Refreshments in Concourse/Exhibition area of The Hibernia Conference Centre |
16:10 |
Global Financial Services Centres: Global Financial Services Centres: Focus on key drivers in markets - Sector Focus, Brexit and after
Participants: Sarah Goddard, Secretary General, AMICE Secretariat Tadhg Young, Senior Vice President, Head of Global Services Ireland and the Channel Islands, State Street Farah Jaafar-Crossby, CEO, Labuan IBFC Gary Campkin, Managing Director, External Relations & Strategic Issues, TheCityUK Dr Edel O'Connor, Business Development Manager, Irish Marine Development Office
Tadhg Young
State Street
Gary Campkin
Sarah Goddard
AMICE Secretariat
Edel O'Connor
Irish Maritime Development Office (IMDO)
Farah Jaafar-Crossby
Labuan IBFC Incorporated Sdn Bhd
Patrick L Young
Derivatives Vision |
Financial Centres Conference| The Aviation Finance Conference | Master Class Workshop 1
Delegates can move between the Three Summit Streams (above) during the event to suit their preferences for particular panels. Your delegate pass entitles you to attend all Summit Panels.
Copyright 2018 Fintel Ltd.
The published programme is subject to change prior to the event, due to unforeseen and other last minute circumstances. Delegates are asked to check the final schedule on the eve of the event to account for any changes. Fintel Ltd reserves the right to alter details of the venue and/or speakers. All presentations and topics are subject to final confirmation from speakers. Fintel Ltd is not responsible for cancellations due to unforeseen circumstances, and accepts no responsibility for statements made verbally or in written material distributed by any of its speakers or for any copying, republication or redistribution of such statements.