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The Finance Dublin Capital Markets, Structured Finance and Securitisation Conference

Securitisation 100 - Introduction to Securitisation

26th November 2007

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Time Slot Event Speakers
08:00 Registration   
08:55 Chairman’s introduction  Moorad Choudhry, Visiting Professor, Department of Economics, London Metropolitan University, and Visiting Research Fellow, ISMA Centre, University of Reading 
09:00 Key concepts in securitisation and structured finance

- Motivations behind securitisation
- Originators objectives: funding, balance sheet management, risk management
- Comparing different structures and solutions: term deals, money market CDOs, conduits and covered bonds
- Investors objectives: risk/return profile, diversification, accessibility
- Main structures: ABS/MBS/Covered bond / CDO/Repacks/whole business
- Economic impact of securitisation
- Basel I and II rules influence and impact
- Role and location of SPVs
"Securitisation 050" - the role of ABS in the wider credit markets -
the role of abs/credit derivatives in modern financial markets 
Moorad Choudhry, Visiting Professor, Department of Economics, London Metropolitan University, and Visiting Research Fellow, ISMA Centre, University of Reading 
10:30 Legal Overview and Case Study of CDO and ABS transactions

Overview of ABS deals
More in-depth analysis of CDOs
Irish taxation analysis of ABS, CDO and securitisations generally
Key characteristics of Irish SPV 
Garry Ferguson, Senior Associate, Matheson Ormsby Prentice 
11:20 Refreshment Break   
11:30 New Developments in the ABCP/SIV/SIV-Lite Markets

-- Review of the 2007 liquidity crisis
-- Overview of the development of the market
-- Factors causing current liquidity crisis
-- Path forward for the market
-- Suggested improvements for market products 
Sharad Samy, Partner, Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP 
12:30 Lunch   
Conference Sponsors
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Premier Recruitment


Bedell Group


Irish Stock Exchange

Better Regulation Ltd

IDA Ireland

AIB International Financial Services



Ernst & Young

Media Partners
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