Mazars is an international, integrated and independent organisation, specialised in audit, accounting, tax and advisory services. Mazars employs 8,000 professionals across 42 countries. Mazars’ adaptability and flexibility allows it to provide complete tailored solutions to all its clients, from large corporate multinational firms to smaller companies and owner-managed businesses as well as high net worth individuals. Mazars employs strong quality guidelines, and we focus on exceeding technical and ethical standards in the provision of our services.
In Ireland Mazars is one of the leading professional services firms, with offices in Dublin, Galway and Belfast. Mazars Ireland has over 25 years of experience in providing professional services to a range of clients across SME, corporate and institutional markets.
With a dedicated securitisation and covered bond services team, Mazars provides comprehensive solutions to issuers of securities and covered bonds. You operate an international business in a global market. Mazars’ teams are present throughout Europe, but co-ordinated internationally as a single team, ensuring that we can bring an international approach to international issues. Mazars offers a complete range of services to meet your business needs, including: SPV Statutory Audit; Cover Asset Monitor; SPV Statutory Accounts Preparation; Accounting Advisory; Asset Due Diligence; Regulatory Compliance Review; and Taxation Compliance Services.
For further information please visit our website