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The Finance Dublin Capital Markets, Structured Finance and Securitisation Conference

The Finance Dublin Securitisation Conference 2007

27th November 2007

Time Slot Event Speakers
08:30 Registration   
08:50 Chairman's opening remarks  Iain Barbour, Managing Director, MBIA UK Insurance Limited 
09:00 Keynote Address

John Hurley, Governor, Central Bank and Financial Services Authority of Ireland 
09:20 Outlook for credit markets: Will life ever be the same again?

- How we lost the plot - Causes and triggers of a midsummer nightmare
- Financial systems under stress - Lessons to be learned
- Fundamentals on the spot: The outlook for default rates
- Regime change in bond markets - Relative values and valuations 
Georg Grodzki, Global Head of Credit Research, Legal & General 
09:40 Has the dust settled yet?
- Timeline of events
- Ratings migration in ABS and CDOs
- Impact on CDO investors, rating methodology changes
- New opportunities 
Michael Hampden-Turner, European Head of Structured Credit Research, Citi 
10:00 Panel Discussion I - The CDO Market

Deal flow: after a record H1 deals slowed over the summer, what's in the pipeline for 2008?

Synthetic securitisation & credit derivatives: the latest developments

Basel II: impact on CDOs, credit derivatives & structured credit products in Europe

The new wave of securitisation:

Collateralised fund obligations (cfos) & private equity-backed CDOs

Credit derivative product companies (CDPCs) and SIVs

Third generation constant proportion debt obligations (cpdos) and constant proportion portfolio insurance (cppi)

CDOs: rating volatility, the fallout from the US sub-prime defaults: the new ratings approach

Leveraged loan CDOS & CDS
Investment: Investing in CDOs

Investing in CDOs: outlook for 2008

Strategic advice for the CDO investor in a changing credit environment  
Iain Barbour, Managing Director, MBIA UK Insurance Limited
Robina Barker Bennett, Head of Structured Products, HBOS
Walter Gontarek, CEO, Channel Capital plc
Eugene Yeboah, Head of Structuring - Structured Credit , Schroders 
10:40 Refreshment break - Sponsored by AIB IFS   
10:55 Alternatives to CDOs
Walter Gontarek, CEO, Channel Capital plc 
11:10 Lessons of the Liquidity Crisis - Transparency

- Impact on European RMBS & ABS bond prices
- Availability of European deal and collateral performance information
- Trends in the ABX index 
Jim Savitsky, Director, Markit 
11:30 The credit liquidity crisis: long-term impact on securitisation market

From US Subprime to European credit crunch
The impact of market value moves on investors
How have the rating agencies performed?
The response of the monetary and fiscal authorities.
Are there lessons from the past.
What does the securitisation market look like going forward? 
Dermot Hardy, Head of Treasury, Aareal Bank AG, Dublin Branch 
11:50 Panel Discussion II: Implications of Credit Crisis for International Servicing

Corporate Servicing
- SPV and servicer relationship
Global ABS Listings
- debt listings, progress and problems across Europe

Domicilation of SPVS
- SPV domiciliation: SPV management and corporate governance issues
- Centre updates: Luxembourg; Jersey; Dublin; The Netherlands

Trustee Issues
- the growing role of trustees in securitised deals
- challenges facing trustees in an increasing diverse and complex market

Credit crisis - long term effects

Gerard Scully, Head of Debt Listings, The Irish Stock Exchange
David Maughan, Associate & Head of Capital Markets Group, Maples & Calder
Paul Fenn, Development Director, HML - Homeloan Management Ltd
Anne Flood, Head of SPV (Securitisation and Asset Financing) Business Development, AIB International Financial Services Ltd 
12:20 Panel Discussion III: Ireland & Other International Centres of Excellence for ABS

Ireland: developments in 2007 and 2008 as an international securitisation centre
- Developments at the Irish Securitisation Forum: The 'Securitisation Blueprint'

Assessment of attractions of different jurisdictions

Update on taxation regimes across Europe
- Finance Bill Ireland 2008: what the industry wants

- Basel, Capital Adequacy Directive
- Basel II: implementation issues
- Impact of Basel on funding/origination issues
- Market Abuse Directive  
Gerard Scully, Head of Debt Listings, The Irish Stock Exchange
Conor Hynes, Tax Partner, Deloitte
Conor Griffin, Director, Risk Advisory Services, Ernst & Young
Turlough Galvin, Partner, Matheson 
13:00 Lunch sponsored by Ernst & Young   
14:15 Chairman's opening remarks  Fergal McGrath, Managing Director, Global Head of Credit Spread Portfolio, Dexia 
14:20 The outlook for corporate credit

- Global macro picture, default cycle and spreads
- Top-down vs. bottom-up perspectives on the credit cycle
- Impact of the "credit crisis"
- Implications of loan market developments for CDS/bonds 
Jeffery Amato, Head of European Credit Strategy, Goldman Sachs International 
14:40 UK RMBS - Where to From Here?

The originators
The borrowers
The ratings 
Victoria Johnstone, Senior Vice President, Structured Finance Quantitative Group, DBRS (Europe) Limited 
14:55 Keynote Address - US and European CMBS  Brian Lancaster, Managing Director, Wachovia Corporation 
15:10 Panel Discussion IV: Mortgage Backed Securities

Impact of global economy on the housing market – implications for debt markets
Sub prime lending - the future
Multi jurisdiction RMBS
Conduit trends in European RMBS in light of the 2007 liquidity crisis
Growth in CMBS – future trends
CMBS conduits

Issuance issues:
Update on the European prime RMBS market
US/European sub-prime market update
Impact of Basel II
Latest European deals and innovations
Stephen Hynes, Managing Director Capital Markets, GMAC RFC
Brian Lancaster, Managing Director, Wachovia Corporation
Giuliano Giovannetti, Head of Sales & Market Development, PMI Mortgage Insurance Company Limited
Sean Hannigan, Financial Analyst, Associate, European Structured Finance Group, Standard & Poor's
Philippe Tapernoux, Head of UK/Northern Europe Securitisation, IXIS Corporate & Investment Bank 
15:50 Refreshment Break sponsored by Mazars   
16:10 Rebuilding the house: structural alternatives for RMBS
- Do existing structures need fixing?
- Who drives the structure: the investor or the originator?
- How do different structures affect the economics and certainty
of the transaction?
- Some structural alternatives... 
Iain Barbour, Managing Director, MBIA UK Insurance Limited 
16:30 Lessons of the Liquidity Crisis - Transparency - Financial Reporting:

The difficulties of reporting for credit derivatives
European directives
Basel/Capital Adequacy
Risk & reward quantification under IAS 39: is derecognition possible?  
Martin Reilly, Audit Partner, Financial Services, Deloitte 
17:10 Panel Discussion V: Investment & Traders Panel

Research: Insight from the research teams
Finding relative value
Profiting from investment opportunities
Improving price transparency in primary & secondary markets
What investors liked in 2007
What asset classes are in demand?
Regulating retail structured products
Investing in CMBS
An Overview of the SIV Market
The latest developments in MBS, CMBS, CDOs, credit derivatives, & synthetic securitisations
The Future for Global ABCP: Market Outlook and Overview 
Iain Barbour, Managing Director, MBIA UK Insurance Limited
Fergal McGrath, Managing Director, Global Head of Credit Spread Portfolio, Dexia
Alan Kerr, Managing Director, Harbourmaster
Neil Ryan, Chief Operating Officer, Quaternion Risk Management 
18:00 Champagne Reception - Sponsored by The Irish Stock Exchange   
Conference Sponsors
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Ernst & Young

Premier Recruitment

Bedell Group

Irish Stock Exchange


AIB International Financial Services



Better Regulation Ltd

IDA Ireland


Media Partners
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