Sponsor and Exhibitor Opportunities
Exposure to over 200 senior executives exists for companies wishing to bring their products and services to the attention of attendees. The marketing opportunities that exist include sponsorship of the conference, sponsorship of the drinks reception and/or luncheon, the taking of exhibition space in the breakout and relaxation area of the main conference hall in the Burlington Hotel. There also exists the opportunity of inserting promotional literature into the conference documentation packs.
Sponsorship/Exhibition opportunities
Conference sponsorship slots:
- Conference Sponsorship
- Evening Wine or Drinks Reception Sponsorship
- Exhibition Space
- Luncheon Sponsorship
- Panel Session Sponsorship
- Morning or Afternoon Coffee Sponsorship
- Documentation in Delegate Pack
The conference Exhibition is the premier event for companies wishing to promote themselves to the Irish international financial services industry.
Pricing details are listed as follows:
Conference Sponsorship: |
Panel Session Sponsorship: |
Wine Reception Sponsorship: |
Exhibition Stand: |
(2.5 metres) - |
Luncheon Sponsorship: |
Morning or Afternoon Coffee Sponsorship: |
Documentation in Delegate Pack: |
Sponsor Benefits:
- Your company branded as Conference Sponsor;
- Three conference delegate seats;
- Exhibition stand or space in the refreshment area: 2.5 metres wide by 1.5 m. deep;
- Sponsor�s full colour corporate logo to appear on the cover of the Conference Brochure;
- Corporate biography on the inside of the Conference brochure of up to 200 words;
- Sponsor�s full colour corporate logo to appear on the home page of the Conference website. (The website will be circulated extensively via email during the marketing of the conference, to over 10,000 senior decision makers in international financial services);
- Corporate biography on the promotional Conference website of up to 200 words;
- One corporate flier (A4 max in size, double sided) included in the delegate documentation folders;
- Company's full colour corporate logo to appear on the breakslide throughout the conference breaks.
- Your company branded as Evening Wine Reception Sponsor;
- One conference delegate seat;
- Five reception places;
- Colour corporate logo inside promotional conference brochure saying �Wine reception kindly sponsored by��
- Signage with reception sponsor�s company name appearing at entrance of the reception room for the duration of the evening;
- Sponsor�s full colour corporate logo to appear on the home page of the Conference website;
- Corporate biography on the promotional Conference website of up to 200 words.
- Your company branded as Conference Exhibitor;
- Two conference delegate seats;
- Exhibitors can attend the conference lunches, refreshment breaks and sponsored evening receptions with delegates (free seating at the lunches);
- Exhibitor�s full colour corporate logo to appear on the inside of the printed Conference Brochure;
- Exhibitor's full colour corporate logo to appear on the home page of the Conference website.
- Company logo and company biography on the online brochure which appears on the Finance Dublin website.
- Company will receive a complimentary copy of the Finance Dublin Yearbook 2005 edition.
- Exhibition spaces available: 2.5 metres wide (8.2 foot) :
- 3 metres wide (9.10 foot) :
- 5 metres wide (16.4 foot) :
- Suggested depth: 1.5 metre.
- One full conference delegate place;
- Five luncheon places;
- This will entitle the sponsoring company to make a 5 minute presentation. (Theme and content to be agreed before the event);
- Signage with lunch reception sponsor�s company name appearing at entrance of the lunch room;
- Menu cards incorporating the corporate name;
- Company logo to appear on the online brochure on the Finance Dublin Conference website.
- One full conference delegate place (additional to the panelist);
- Company full/colour logo to appear on the printed brochure as panel sponsor;
- Company full/colour logo to appear on the online brochure on the Finance Dublin Conference website;
- One full conference delegate place;
- Company full/colour logo to appear on the printed brochure as coffee sponsor;
- Company full/colour logo to appear on the online brochure on the Finance Dublin Conference website;
- Signage with coffee reception sponsor�s company name appearing at entrance of the coffee area.
- One corporate flier (A4 max in size, double sided) included in the delegate documentation folders;
- Documentation/corporate literature should be delivered to Martina Bermingham, at the following address 2 weeks before the conference: Finance Dublin, Fintel House, 6 The Mall, Beacon Court,Dublin 18. Tel: 353 1 293 0566 for further details.
To discuss above marketing opportunities further, please email or phone Martina Bermingham sales@financedublin.com 353-1-293-0566.