The Yearbook & Directory of Ireland's international financial services industry
Thursday, 16th January 2025

New England Asset Management Limited

New England Asset Management Limited (NEAM Limited) offers capital and investment management services primarily to the insurance industry in Europe. It offers a range of insurance company focused services consisting of Asset Management, Enterprise Capital Return & Risk Management, Capital & Risk Analytics, and Investment Accounting Services & Reporting for international clients.

NEAM has been working with insurance company clients domiciled in Europe since 1998* and has a strong focus on the UK market, in particular Lloyd's of London. It provides many of the support services that are specifically associated with managing investments in European regulated jurisdictions and operating under the Solvency II regulatory regime. These services include the monitoring and analysis of the evolving regulatory environment for clients and the integration of regulatory requirements within its proprietary systems.

There is extensive further information on New England Asset Management Limited available to subscribers. Search for articles on New England Asset Management Limited in

Senior Executives

Contact Details

Address: The Oval - Block 3, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4
Phone: 353 1 673 8500 Fax: 355 1 673 8590
Web address: E-mail:
Social Media:


New England Asset Management, Inc. Contact: Marie Callahan
Domicile Country of parent: United States Ultimate Parent: Berkshire Hathaway, Inc.


Tax: Deloitte Audit: Deloitte
Bankers: AIB & CitiBank Legal: A&L Goodbody

Trading commenced: 07/2009