The Yearbook & Directory of Ireland's international financial services industry
Saturday, 27th July 2024

Citco Bank Nederland N.V. Dublin Branch

Citco Bank Nederland N.V. Dublin Branch provides Banking, Depositary and Custody Services to Collective Investment Schemes and Corporate and Trust clients. Established in 1998, the branch provides services to a global client base and is fully integrated with Citco's other offerings in fund administration and governance services. The branch’s head office, Citco Bank Nederland N.V., is in Amsterdam.

There is extensive further information on Citco Bank Nederland N.V. Dublin Branch available to subscribers. Search for articles on Citco Bank Nederland N.V. Dublin Branch in

Senior Executives

  • Martin Feeney, Branch Manager and Head of Banking Services

Contact Details

Address: Custom House Plaza Block 6, International Financial Service Centre, Dublin 1
Phone: 353 1 636 7100 Fax: 353 1 636 7102
Web address: E-mail:
Social Media:


Citco Bank Nederland N.V. - Amsterdam, The Netherlands Contact:
Domicile Country of parent: Netherlands Ultimate Parent: The Citco Group Ltd. - Cayman Islands

IFSC Trading commenced: 1998