The Yearbook & Directory of Ireland's international financial services industry
Saturday, 27th July 2024

The Central Bank of Ireland


The Central Bank of Ireland was established by the Central Bank Act 1942 (as amended). The functions of the Bank are set out in the Central Bank Reform Act 2010. The Central Bank of Ireland serves the public interest by safeguarding monetary and financial stability and by working to ensure that the financial system operates in the best interests of consumers and the wider economy. The Bank’s other objectives are: Stability of the financial system; Proper and effective regulation of financial institutions and markets, while ensuring that consumers of financial services are protected; Efficient and effective operation of payment and settlement systems; and Provision of analysis and comment to support national economic policy development.

The Central Bank Commission (the Commission) has the following statutory functions: management and control of the affairs and activities of the Central Bank; ensuring that the Central Bank’s financial regulation and central banking functions are coordinated and integrated; and ensuring that the statutory powers and functions conferred on the Central Bank are properly exercised and discharged.

Contact Details

Address: N Wall Quay, North Dock,
Dublin, D01 F7X3
Phone: 353 1 224 6000
Web address: E-mail: