The Yearbook & Directory of Ireland's international financial services industry
Saturday, 27th July 2024

Irish Association of Corporate Treasurers


The Irish Association of Corporate Treasurers was founded in 1986 with the aim of promoting the practice of corporate treasury management in Ireland and to provide a forum in which corporate treasurers can meet and exchange information. The Association is a not-for-profit organisation having charitable status. It currently has in excess of 400 members, including practising treasurers from major Irish public companies, multinationals and commercial state entities, as well as a significant number of smaller and medium sized companies. The Association's aims are to encourage and promote the study and practice of treasury management in Ireland, set guidelines for best practice and act as a forum for treasurers to interact and network with their peers and service providers.

The Association produces a regular electronic newsletter distributed by email to all members and posted on its website, along with further information on the association, discussion forum and details of next events. It also organizes seminars, conferences and training courses for members.

Contact Details

Address: P.O. Box 10104, Lucan, Co Dublin, Ireland
Phone: 353 1 610 8574 Fax: 353 1 621 3494