The Yearbook & Directory of Ireland's international financial services industry
Saturday, 4th May 2024

Deloitte Ireland LLP

Practice Area: Consulting

Profile: If you are ready to innovate and transform your business, Deloitte can help you imagine, deliver, and run your future, wherever you compete, using the latest technologies, from strategy development through implementation. Because impact is not created alone. Together we can make history.

This is a part of Deloitte that uses technology and creativity to better connect the customer with the business.

In today's world, it takes complex connections to create simple solutions. Behind every great idea, every ground breaking product, every new advancement, there are people and technologies working together.

At Deloitte, we take these connections and deploy them in innovative configurations to fit the shape of your problem.

We believe that constant evolution is the difference between flourishing or failing in the age of technological disruption. It is a fundamental philosophy that underpins our leading-edge strategy services and transformative digital solutions.

Our people bring the same agility and problem-solving creativity to their work that they aim to inspire in clients. It is part of the unique proposition we call Imagine, Deliver, Run: an integrated and adaptive end-to-end journey through the process of business transformation.

It is about embracing machine-driven transformation with a human-centric vision.

It is about flourishing in the near term while adapting for the long term. And it means nothing less than reimagining what is possible.

Put very simply, we help you imagine, deliver and run your future.
  • Consulting
  • Human Capital
  • Strategy and Analytics
  • Enterprise Technology and Performance
  • Business Operations
  • Customer and Marketing



Dalton, David

Firm: Deloitte Ireland LLP
Position: Partner | Consulting
Address: Deloitte Ireland LLP, 29 Earlsfort Terrace, Dublin 2, Ireland, D02 AY28
Phone: +353 1 407 4801
Fax: +353 1 417 2300
Personal URL:


Lehane, Donal

Firm: Deloitte Ireland LLP
Position: Partner - Consulting | Head of Financial Services
Address: Deloitte Ireland LLP, 29 Earlsfort Terrace, Dublin 2, Ireland, D02 AY28
Phone: +353 1 417 2807
Fax: +353 1 417 2300
Personal URL: