Contributing Firms:
Hedge Funds:
It has been suggested that there could be an acceleration of outsourcing by hedge fund managers, for cost and efficiency benefits, in a number of key areas including trading. What areas do you see as most beneficial for hedge fund managers to outsource? In your experience, what areas are seeing greatest outsourcing demand from hedge funds?

Meliosa O’Caoimh, Country Head, Ireland, Northern Trust:
Meliosa O Caoimh
Meliosa O Caoimh
Our experience is that across-the-board, managers are showing increasing willingness to outsource functions that are not core to their business. Outsourcing can help firms tap into expertise, economies of scale and cost savings – this covers functions ranging from back office operations to capital markets functions like securities finance, foreign exchange, and the trading desk.

Outsourcing should also free-up resources that can be used to help drive growth in other areas of the business – outsourced providers can offer holistic solutions to help maximize a manager’s effectiveness and improve their workflows. So we see outsourcing as becoming a key strategy for hedge funds and asset managers more broadly.