Anthony Belchambers
Anthony Belchambers is a barrister and currently Chief Executive of the FOA. Previously he served as General Counsel for the UK Joint Exchanges Committee (JEC) where his responsibilities included co-ordinating exchange activities and lobbying on behalf of the London-based derivatives markets in relation to international, EU and UK regulation and taxation issues. Prior to joining the JEC, he held the position of Company Secretary and General Counsel to the Association of Futures Brokers and Dealers (AFBD), where he played a major role in securing the licensing of the first UK regulatory authority to cover derivatives and drafting the UK regulations for derivatives.
He is also Chair of MiFID Connect, a member of the Court of the Guild of International Bankers (GIB) and a co-founder, in their original forms, of both the Alternative Investment Management Association (AIMA) and the European Parliamentary Financial Services Forum (EPFSF). He initiated the establishment of the UK Parliament's Associate Parliamentary Group on Wholesale Financial Markets and Services and the EU/US Coalition on Financial Regulation.
More generally, he is closely involved with HM Treasury and UK Trade & Investment in developing London's role as a global financial centre and is a regular member of the Lord Mayor's business parties on overseas missions.
To view a copy of the Second EU-US Coalition Report on Financial Regulation please click here
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