IDA Ireland
IDA Ireland is the economic development agency of the Irish Government which has prime responsibility for overseas investment into Ireland.
Its International Financial Services Division markets Ireland as an attractive location for the world's leading financial institutions in such sectors as international banking, funds management, corporate treasury and international insurance.
IDA actively encourages the more than 400 international financial institutions in Ireland to exploit the operating, regulatory and tax advantages of Ireland. The objective is to deepen and broaden the range of activities they carry out, for the benefit of their parent organisations.
The international financial services sector is particularly well suited to Ireland, and many of the world's major institutions have substantial operations here in such locations as Dublin, Kilkenny, Cork, Letterkenny, Galway and Waterford. They carry out a wide variety of activities including trading, securitisation, funds administration, captive management, treasury, claims administration, software development and shared services.
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