Accountancy Survey 2010

Fee income of Top 20 firms falls 10.1 p.c.
The Survey shows a picture of a sector in the process of recovery with the most encouraging signs shown in plans for recruitment, with forecasts for the next twelve months for a recruitment rise of about 12 per cent over 2009-10.

Ireland’s top accountants put their views on the record on the national economy
Sixteen of the managing partners of Ireland's top 20 companies took up the invitation from Finance Dublin to offer their advice on the national economy in response to a question in the 2010 Accountancy Survey to list “business and/or economic policy initiatives that would usefully aid the Irish economic recovery at this time”. Their responses reveal an overall strategy that has yet to be tried by the Government.

The Managing Partners Forum 2010
The managing partners of Ireland's top accountancy firms were asked six questions on practice management, accountancy and the economy in this year's Managing Partners Forum.

All the results can be found here.