Crossing all financial services sector barriers
Never has the need for added value and product development been greater for international financial services companies in Ireland, and accordingly the 7th Finance Dublin annual conference has been designed to deliver to delegates an invaluable two day experience in which all the broad issues facing the financial services environment will be addressed.
No other event provides the breath of issues coverage crossing all financial services sector barriers, in which Ireland is treated as an international financial services jurisdiction.
The conference will have as its theme product development and all speakers, and panel debates will address this.
The source of new product development ideas will come from the changing regulatory taxation and business environments, and all three will be covered in depth at the conference. The regulatory debate will be addressed by the new Regulator, and a panel representing the industry will present the industry's concerns in a public forum.
The Finance Bill 2006 was awaited with greater than usual interest and its contents will be discussed as well as new ideas for coping with the changes and other tax issues by the country's leading financial services tax thinkers.
The conference will examine major sectors in detail, with keynote addresses on banking, funds, reinsurance and life assurance. International speakers such as Gay Huey Evans, of Tribeca, and, formerly, the FSA, Michael Koller of Swiss Re, Guido Ravoet, Freddy Van der Spiegel, and not least, the EU Commissioner for the Internal Market, Charlie McCreevy who will assess the key strategic issues in a European and global context. The reinsurance industry has been buffeted by unfair and inaccurate comment in the past year, and a panel discussion featuring some of the country's leading minds in the area will feature.
The conference will be accompanied by four specialist seminars, featuring a number of leading international figures on credit derivatives, repeating the success of the same event last year, hedge funds and hedge funds administration, and a new seminar on Operational Risk, led by some of the leading London based experts in the field.
Mainstream papers on operational and systems based risks, and product development potentials will also feature.
The continuing success of the IFS ndustry will be underlined by three case studies of some of the biggest employers, and product development pioneers in the IFS industry, Citibank Financial Services, and State Street International, as well as Capita, who now employ over 700 people in Ireland and are in the course of launching a new hedge fund servicing operation.
Overall progress will be examined in a progress report on IDA Ireland's activities in the past 18 months, by Deirdre Lyons head of financial services in the IDA, and Fiona Reddan deputy editor of Finance Dublin will present the results of major new original research into the reinsurance and hedge fund industries in Dublin.
The overall theme of the conference is 'product development', and in this is a recognition of the role of both IFS companies and professional advisors in utilising the strategic legal and fiscal, and jurisdictional advantages of Ireland as a location for financial services. The various discussions at the conference will form an important input into the policy review process of Government as it publishes its strategic review of the financial services industry, and the conference will be an important opportunity for airing many of the issues pertinent to the Strategic Review.
This is an important event for all IFS companies to be represented at, and, aside from the ideas and concentrated opportunity it provides all players for obtaining an insight into the key strategic issues, it also represents one of the principal networking and social events of the year in the IFS industry.
I look forward to welcoming you to the conference
Ken O'Brien
Finance Dublin