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The Finance Dublin Seventh Annual Conference 2006

28th - 29th March 2006, Dublin

Speaker Biographies

Gay Huey Evans

Tribeca Global Management PLC

Ms Huey Evans, President of Tribeca Global Management, Europe, joined Tribeca Global in September 2005. Prior to joining Tribeca she had been the Director of Markets at the Financial Services Authority (1998-2005) responsible for the UK Listing Authority, supervision of all market infrastructure providers, including exchanges, ATS, clearing and settlement houses, market policy and market surveillance (including the Code of Market Conduct). She was also appointed Capital Markets Sector Leader at the FSA. Prior to her joining the FSA, Ms. Huey Evans worked with Bankers Trust Company (1984-1998) in both New York and London as a Senior Managing Director in Risk Management Services. In 2004, Ms Huey Evans was appointed chairman of the Joint Forum, a group of experts working under the umbrella of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS), the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) and the International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS). While at Bankers Trust, she was the Chairman of the International Swaps and Derivatives Association (ISDA) from 1994-1998. She holds a BA from Bucknell University in Economics. Ms Huey Evans is a co-opted member of Tate's Audit Committee, a Trustee of Wigmore Hall and a Governor of the Benjamin Franklin House in London.

Charlie McCreevy

Commissioner for the Internal Market
European Commission

A chartered accountant, Charlie McCreevy was appointed European Commissioner for the Internal Market in 2004. Prior to that he had been Minister for Finance since 1997. In this capacitiy, he was President of the ECOFIN Council from January to June 2004. He was elected to Dail Eireann (Parliament) for Kildare Constituency in 1977, and was a member of Kildare County Council from 1979 to 1985. He was Minister for Social Welfare from February 1992 - January 1993, Minister for Tourism and Trade from January 1993 - December 1994 and Frontbench Spokesperson on Finance from January l 995 - June 1997.

Ruari Quinn

T.D., and former Minister for Finance

Former Minister for Finance at the time Finance Dublin was launched in 1996. Ruairi Quinn was the first Labour party Minister for Finance, and in his period of office he initiated/oversaw such reforms as the Taxes Consolidation Acts, the Criminal Assets Bureau, and oversaw the IFSC's transition from a 10% ring fenced regime to part of the nationwide 12.5% corporation tax regime. He was leader of the Labour Party until he stood down from that position in 2002. His recently published biography 'Straight Left' has gone for reprinting in a paperback edition, which will appear later this year.

Michael Koller

Chief Regulatory Officer
Swiss Reinsurance Company

Michael Koller joined Swiss Re as Chief Regulatory Officer of the Group at the beginning of 2005. Before he had worked for Swiss Life for more then ten years, where he had become Chief Risk Officer in 2002. Michael Koller, a Swiss citizen born in 1964, graduated from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) with a masters degree in mathematics followed by a PhD in mathematics. He is an Actuary SAV and Swiss Certified Pension scheme expert. Michael Koller is regularly giving lectures as an extraordinary Professor for Insurance Mathematics at the ETH.

Patrick Neary

Chief Executive
Financial Regulator

Patrick Neary is the Chief Executive of the Financial Regulator, which is responsible for the regulation of the Financial Services industry, both from a prudential and a conduct of business viewpoint.

Patrick Neary was appointed to the position of Chief Executive in February 2006. Prior to this, he held the position of Prudential Director of the Financial Regulator from 2003. In this role his responsibilities included the protection of consumers’ deposits, funds and policies. He is a fellow of the Chartered Association of Certified Accountants (FCCA). He was previously Head of Securities and Exchanges Supervision and Deputy Head of Banking Supervision in the Central Bank of Ireland. He began his career in 1971.

Guido Ravoet

Secretary General
European Banking Federation (FBE)

Guido Ravoet became Secretary General of the European Banking Federation in January 2005, following his 8 years office at the helm of the Association of Belgian Banks and then Febelfin (Belgian Finance Federation). He was previously Secretary General of the European Association of Cooperative Banks and has remained throughout his career very focused on European affairs, for instance as a current member of the European Economic and Social Committee. Guido Ravoet also has more than 10 years banking experience, working with Cera bank (now KBC) as Head of Research Department and then Regional Director. Guido has a PhD in Law and a Masters Degree in business economics.

Freddy Van den Spiegel

Chief Economist and Director of Public Affairs
Fortis Bank

Actual functions:Chief Economist and Director Public Affairs Fortis. Managing Director of several Belgian, Luxembourg and French Investment Funds (SICAV). Professor Free University Brussels in - Financial Management, Financial Markets and Financial Institutions and Visiting Professor Warsaw University since 1992. President of the Co-ordination Committee of the Belgian Financial Forum. Specific interest in Banking Regulation and Supervision: Academic research and teaching about the architecture of financial systems since 15 years. Chairman of the Steering Group regulation and supervision of the European Financial Services Round Table. Member of the European Commission expert group « banking », preparing the priority program for the next commission. Specific input about regulation – supervision in that expert group (May 2004). Chairman of the Consultative Panel of CEBS. Director of the Public Affairs Office of Fortis. Member of the Inter Institutional Monitoring Group for EU financial integration (mandate European Parliament). Chairman of ELEC Belgium (European League for Economic Cooperation)

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